
The best solutions for Coding and Marking, Inspection, Quality Control, and Labelling for the Food sector

The food sector is undoubtedly one of the most challenging when it comes to end-of-line solutions such as coding and marking, inspection and control, and labelling.

From the EU regulations on inks for food packaging to quality control standards and the MID Directive on product weight, companies need to ensure they are using safe, fast, and reliable technological solutions that save time and money while fully complying with legal requirements. nimax provides all this and more.

From inkjet Printers for coding on food packaging to X-ray inspections of bulk or pipeline-pumped products, from labelling glass jars for preserves to laser marking on aluminum foil for food, nimax offers reliable, fast, low-TCO technological solutions compliant with all regulations and laws.

mercati nimax formaggio soluzioni per i prodotti caseari

Dairy Products

Prodotti Conservieri Food Settore Alimentare

Preserved Foods

settore food alimentari Prodotti-Dolciari

Confectionery Products

vaschette soluzioni di codifica e marcatura ispezione e controllo labelling

Meat and Poultry

mercati-settore pasta pane derivati

Pasta, Bread and Flour



mercati nimax soluzioni per frutta e verdura

Fruits and Vegetables

buste snack per prodotti dolciari codifica ispezione marcatura stampa etichettatura controllo


soluzioni imballaggi surgelati

Frozen Foods

etichettatura codifica etichette pasti pronti

Ready Meals

soluzioni per uova


mercati pet food

Pet Food