
The best solutions for Coding and Marking, Inspection and Control, and Labelling for the Industrial sector

Whether it’s for automotive, components destined for the chemical, metallurgical, or steel industries, or other industrial products, coding, marking, inspection, labelling, and traceability in the industrial sector require precise, fast, and reliable technological solutions capable of withstanding challenging production environments.

From coding with fiber laser printers on metal laminates to inkjet marking on cables, from in-line weighing of jerrycans containing chemicals, from carton applications to printing on plastics and pipes used in construction, and even to printing on PC circuit boards, nimax offers a wide range of end-of-line systems not only for coding and marking but also for inspection and labelling of an extensive array of products used in the industrial sector.

soluzioni di codifica ispezione etichettatura prodotti chimici

Chemical Products

soluzioni codifica e marcatura settore industriale cavi


soluzioni codifica e marcatura industriale per siderurgia e metallurgia

Metallurgy and Steel

Materie Plastiche e Tubi

Plastics and Pipes

stampa su batterie al litio

Lithium Batteries

stampa su schede elettroniche

Electronic Boards

mercati soluzioni per la cartotecnica codifica etichettatura imballaggi secondari in cartone

Carton Converting

stampa su legno


mercati-settore industriale stampa-su-sacchi-cemento-settore-edilizio

Cement and Concrete

settore edilizia-marcatura-laser-su-vetro-per-settore-edilizia-codifica-e-marcatura

Tempered Glass

Domino Cx350i Stampa su cartongesso - settore industriale
