nimax CF118 Control System

The control system for verifying the integrity of aluminum films

Why Choose the nimax CF118 Control System?

icona raggiungimento obbiettivi

Ease of Use: The detection of a defect on the film (lack of opacity) activates an electrical signal (relay contact), allowing for the rejection of the affected section.

icona specifiche tecniche

Adjustable Thresholds: The hole size that activates the system (intervention threshold) can be set with a two-decade selector and verified using calibrated microholes.

icona come funziona

Calibration Tools: A kit containing three gauges with calibrated holes of 0.035 mm, 0.050 mm, and 0.100 mm is available upon request. These are useful for periodically verifying the calibration of the receiver (intervention threshold).

Technical Information

Device Composition

The device is composed of two completely separate parts:


  • Normally mounted above the film’s sliding plane.
  • Produces a high-intensity infrared light beam, focused on the film by a cylindrical lens.
  • Side support blocks ensure optimal positioning.
  • Operates independently and features an output signal (relay) for light circuit anomalies.


  • Normally mounted below the film’s sliding plane.
  • Contains a row of photosensors aligned along the reading axis, corresponding to the film’s width.
  • When light from the illuminator (positioned above the film) passes through a defect, the electronic circuit generates an error signal, indicating the presence of a hole or crack.
  • Must be perfectly aligned with the illuminator and fully shielded from external light.
  • For embossed films, the format’s manufacturer must provide a support guide that closely adheres to the film’s underside.