Nimax Network

A network of companies at your service for industrial automation

nimax nemesis prl network

The partnership between Nimax, Nemesis e PRL was born from the need of Italian manufacturing companies to reduce the number of suppliers by entrusting their production lines to integrated providers capable of offering multiple solutions.
This network allows our clients to have a single point of reference for multiple parts of the line, ensuring the ability to halt the line for maintenance even on different technologies, relying on fewer technicians visiting their facilities, thereby reducing downtime.
The commercial strength of these three entities ensures a greater outcome from their union.

Over 130 years of experience accumulated to meet all your coding, inspection, control, labeling, and handling needs

Meno interlocutori per la fornitura, la manutenzione e la riparazione delle tecnologie dell’intera linea di produzione. Fewer intermediaries for the supply, maintenance, and repair of technologies across the entire production line.

Thanks to Line Strategy the systems from all three companies in the network are interconnected and can operate under a single management system, which can also be extended to third-party suppliers.

nemesis prl - nimax