
All examples of Coding, Marking, and Labelling that nimax can offer you

From inkjet coding on PET bottles for mineral water, laser marking on aluminum cans, QR code coding on pharmaceutical products, to labeling on secondary packaging, nimax can provide a wide range of solutions for coding, marking, and labelling your products.

Select the type of material you need to mark or label to discover all the solutions nimax can offer to meet your needs.

Coding and Marking with Small Character Inkjet Printers
Coding and Marking with Large Character Inkjet Printers (Low Resolution)
Coding and Marking with Large Character Inkjet Printers (High Resolution)
Coding and Marking with Thermal Inkjet Printers
Coding and Marking with Laser Markers
Coding and Marking with Thermal Transfer Printers
Labelling with Print and Apply Systems