Test Lab

Discover all the services that the nimax Test Lab can perform to ensure the highest quality for your products

The nimax Test Lab was created to ensure the highest quality and safety for your products.

With over 50 years of experience in the field of coding and marking, labeling, and inspection and control, nimax ensures to its clients and potential clients that the systems provided function perfectly on the products to be marked, inspected, or labeled.

This way, before purchasing any nimax system, you will be certain that it is fully capable of meeting all your needs.

In the case of coding, for example, the Test Lab performs various tests to ensure that the marking solution fully meets expectations. Whether it is inkjet application or laser marking, our experts will verify that the inks adhere perfectly to the substrate without smearing, without leakage inside the product, or that the laser markers perform the engraving on the packaging or product correctly, with a visible and permanent code that does not alter the quality and properties. These tests are particularly important, especially if the substrates are difficult to mark, such as the increasingly common or requested eco-friendly or biodegradable packaging.

The Test Lab can also certify the readability of the code (as required by various regulations in the pharmaceutical or medical field) or that it is performed at the required speed.

Tests can also be performed for products to be inspected with x-ray systems, metal detectors, or weight selectors. In this case too, the tests are essential to ensure that the systems are capable of meeting the client’s or potential client’s requirements, such as the ability to inspect very dense or bulky products, like whole cheese blocks, or to ensure that the weight verification systems are calibrated correctly to detect even minimal discrepancies in the product weight.