Urban Apiary

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Did you know that 35% of our food and 70% of plant species depend on bee pollination? These two figures alone show the significant impact bees have on the environment and our lives.

Bees are also highly reliable bioindicators for testing the quality of the environment we live in and the air we breathe.

Unfortunately, due to pesticides, land consumption, intensive monocultures, and climate change, the number of bees has been steadily declining in recent years.

At nimax , we are well aware that environmental protection is one of the missions of an ethical company. For this mission to be effective, it must consist of simple daily actions to promote a sustainable vision and respect for the territory in which we operate.

Each of us, in our own small way, can do something to protect bees and their habitat because their survival is fundamental to our future and a shared responsibility.
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From this awareness and the meeting between Nicola Montanari, nimax CEO, and Zeid Nabulsi, a young beekeeper originally from Damascus who has lived in Bologna for many years and founded BeeBo, based on ethical beekeeping, came the decision to set up an Urban Apiary on the roof of our company.

The 9 hives, hosting 30,000 to 70,000 bees each, were placed on the company’s rooftop, elevated above the street and offices to ensure a natural and safe coexistence between the bees and nimax employees.

The honey produced will be packaged by BeeBo and shared among employees, while the colony’s health will be constantly monitored, also providing precise indications of air and environmental quality within a 3 km radius.

Additionally, it is possible to watch the life of the bee colony live via a webcam placed right in front of the hives. 

The nimax Urban Apiary initiative was born with three synergistic goals:

  • to find a safe place to locate the hives;
  • to share with the company’s Collaborators and Customers the charm of these insects as well as the metaphor of their work for the common good,
  • to contribute to environmental monitoring.

Nimax’s choice is not to delegate the care and protection of the ecosystem to others but to immediately implement good daily practices that bear fruit quickly and serve as an inspiration and utility. The industrial sector also has the opportunity to play an active role that goes beyond mere compliance with legal standards.